Too many things happened in 2023 to list all of them here, but to sum it up: We saw the continuation of wars, and new ones popping up. The launch of new social media platforms, the impressive advancements AI has made. The EU adopting unprecedented digital legislation and much more.
Personally, 2023 was quite a special year. I was given the opportunity to discuss the European Digital Services Act on a Panel in Brussels. Aġenżija Żgħażagħ gave me an award as the ‘Best Male Speaker’ in the Young Parliamentarians debate. Together with friends of mine, I organised SNC Prom 2023, attended ŻAK Malta’s Leadership Course, spoke out in Public Consultations regarding Children’s rights, participated in a bunch of activities organised by the Office of the Commissioner for Children and Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, and was active on a Local, National and International Scale. I was interviewed by the National TV Channel of Malta – TVM, The People of Malta and was able to co-write an article which was published on Global Voices.
Apart from that, I officially became a leader of ŻAK L-Imġarr, and continued my role as a leader in the Altar Servers Group of Imġarr. In 2023 I continued my work as a Youth Ambassador, by still forming part of the European BIK Youth Ambassadors, and locally by forming part of the Council for Children and Children’s Advisory Board.
This was my year of discussions, and I really enjoyed discussing a lot of different topics with Maltese and European Leaders. I had discussions with the Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition, various different Ministers, and even the President of the Republic. 2023 led me to meet the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola and President Emeritus of Malta H.E. Marie Louise Coleiro Preca.