From the Russian Invasion of Ukraine to HM Queen Elizabeth II’s death, this year wasn’t the best year for humanity
However personally 2022 was one of the best years. This year I created a video with BeSmartOnline for Safer Internet Day. I also had the opportunity to address the Maltese Cabinet, something which was broadcasted on various media outlets. For the first time I travelled to Brussels for a youth experience, in which I had the opportunity to participate in the Safer Internet Forum where amongst other things I was on a panel with an MEP and a Head of Unit at the EC.
Apart from these I had various other youth opportunities. I started preparations to eventually become a ŻAK Mġarr Youth Leader. I also continued leading the Abbatini Mġarr group and volunteered during Festa Frawli.
I also joined the Council for Children and the Children Advisory Board. Continuing from previous years I was part of the National Board for Compulsory Education and a BIK Youth Ambassador.
I’d like to thank anyone who gave me the opportunity to become a more active person and to become a more skilled person.